English learning – Gangnam Style!

Have you ever wondered what the lyrics are for the song Gangnam style? Well wonder no more; now you can learn English while taking part in your favorite dance routine … or not!

A woman who is warm an honest in the daytime
A class woman who understands the enjoyment of coffee in the morning
A woman who heats up when the evening arrives
A woman with a similar feeling to this

I’m a man
A man who is hot like you in the day
A man who downs his coffee when it’s still hot
A man who’s heart explodes during the night
That sort of man

Lovable and beautiful
You yes yes you
Lovable and beautiful
You yes yes you
Let’s party till then end of the night

Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style

Oh- Sexy Lady, Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style
Oh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

A woman who knows how to party at night
A woman who lets her hair down when she should
A woman who is modest but looks better than a slut
A good woman like that

I’m a man
A man who seems sensible, but knows when to play
A man who knows how to party when the time is right
A man who has great ideas but not great muscles
This sort of man

Lovable and beautiful
You yes yes you
Lovable and beautiful
You yes yes you
Let’s party till then end of the night

Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style

Oh- Sexy Lady, Oh yeah it’s Gangnam style
Oh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh


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