Lance Armstrong admits doping on Oprah

Lance Armstrong had a succession of Tour De France wins between 1999 and 2005, it was always in question if he had taken performance enhancing drugs to get the edge on his competitors. According to the cyclist of Oprah, a popular American talk show, he felt that doping was part of job, a necessity in order to win the Tour and to be part of a ‘level playing field’. When asked if he felt bad about taking drugs he only replied that it was scary. Armstrong admitted also to be a ‘bully’ and would ‘turn on people‘ if he did not like what they were saying – this he felt was due to his commitment to winning, and would fight if backed against a wall. Read  the full story here


performance enhancing drugs – drugs taken to improve performance during sport

get the edge – improve better than competitors

level playing field – to make things equal

turn on people – attack people, verbally or physically

backed against a wall – forced into a bad situation

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