Author Archives: english-learn-online

E-commerce Podcast

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This unit is about using the superlative. Look at this dialogue. A: What is the smallest country in the world? B: I am not sure but I think Brazil is the most beautiful! A: Maybe you are right but France … Continue reading

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Podcast : Climate change

Podcast on climate change.

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Comparative + than

COMPARATIVE + THAN To compare the difference between two people, things or events. Examples: * Mt Blanc is higher than Mt Snowdon. * Spain is further south than France. * A car is faster than a bicycle. * Albert is … Continue reading

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Common mistakes in verbs

1. The verb does not suit  the subject: a)       There are lots of person in this room. b)       The concert finish at five o’clock. Advice: The verb should suit the subject: a)       There are lots of people in this room. … Continue reading

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Great ways to practice listening

There are some excellent ways to practice your English listening skills for example why not watch a film in English with the sound in English but the subtitles in your own language, or there are many podcast now on the … Continue reading

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Past perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous. We use the Past perfect continuous to describe something that started in the past And continued up until another moment in the past (had been + present participle) Example He had been driving for 4 hours when … Continue reading

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Present Perfect

The present perfect. 1. Actions which started in the past and are still continuing Present perfect is often used to describe an action that started in the past and is still happening now. It is common for the words ‘for’ … Continue reading

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Past Perfect

The past perfect. Past perfect tense describes an action that happened before another action in the past. In other words it describes the first of two actions that happened in the past. When I got to the party, my girlfriend … Continue reading

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How to learn English online?

The best way to learn a language is to talk! We all know that talking in any foreign language can be difficult. That is why practice makes perfect! What are some of the ways we can improve our speaking and … Continue reading

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