1. The verb does not suit the subject:
a) There are lots of person in this room.
b) The concert finish at five o’clock.
Advice: The verb should suit the subject:
a) There are lots of people in this room.
b) The concert finishes at five o’clock.
Advice: Use the correct tense, don’t mix tenses:
a) I went to the shop and met my friend Robert.
b) I met my sister last week.
3. There are articles or determiners in the wrong place or missing altogether:
a) I bought new car last Saturday.
b) I had some interesting meeting at work.
Advice: Use articles and determiners correctly:
a) I had an interesting meeting at work.
4. Capital letters are used incorrectly:
a) I’ll meet you on monday.
b) my pal steve lives at 23 thames street, st albans.
Advice: Put a capital letter at the start of a proper noun and where necessary:
a) See you on Monday.
b) My friend Rob lives at 23 Thames Street, St Albans.