Google is reportedly working on a new product, ‘Google Glasses’. Sergey Brin, co-owner of Google was spotted on a New York subway wearing a complex set of spectacles – that many have claimed to be a prototype of Google’s latest product. The glasses have been developed so far in secret by the internet super giants – although they made a brief debut at a blind conference in San Francisco last April.
According to some experts the glasses could allow wearers to combine their visual surrounding with the technology on the glasses, allowing them to identify visual stimulus, such as landmarks, signs, writing, and then do a voice controlled search. Information from the glasses would be told back to the wearer through a small screen located on the glasses themselves.
This could be great news for English learners, imagine the possibilities. You could walk into a shop and not know the name for a product then ask the glasses for the translation, and receive the answer in seconds on the glasses’ screen. Online Google translation could be conducted in a blink of an eye, and even English lessons on Phonebox could be possibly conducted while wearing the glasses.
Although the official announcement of the glasses is not sure, we might expect later this year to receive more information from Google. Until then then we will all have to make do with our smart phones.